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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Please Response~

Hye there pembaca KL wear,

KL wear nak tanye sket la...KL wear rase...mcm nak tuka sket mode blog KL wear nie...KL wear ase mcm nak tuka ke mode yang membaca dari gambar... u all rase ok x? kalo KL wear nak buat cmtu? huhu

Teknik penyamanran haiwan yang amazing..ntuk survival

ps: tengok2 balik...terase geli geliman lak satu.. badan..tapi lepas tengok semua gambar atas tue..nie lah kekuasaan-Nya... cantik kan...appe pon...berhati2 lah haiwan camouflaged nie kat mane2 je ade kekeke.

Rolls-Royce Apparition ( concept car)

PS: fuyooo smart dol kereta nie ntah berape ke harge nyerr.... dengar cerita ...kereta nie di design oleh seorang budak dari Art School...luar negara lah yang bernama Jeremy si Rolls Royce pun berminat.... ase nye mcm tue lah kot kuikuikui neway...sape leh agak berape harge kereta nie....KL wear belanje topup 100 ... xD

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Taiwan, a woman suddenly died unexpectedly with signs of bleeding from her ears, no se, mounth & eyes. After a preliminary autopsy it was diagnosed death due to arsenic poisoning death. Where did the arsenic come from?
The police launched an in-depth and extensive investigation. A m edical school professor was invited to come to solve the case.

The professor carefully looked at the contents from the deceased's stomach, in less than half an hour, the mystery was solved. The professor said: 'The deceased did not commit suicide and neither was she murdered, she died of accidental death due to ignorance!'

Everyone was puzzled, why accidental death? The arsenic is of the U.S. military for carrying rice seedlings H Gao. The professor said: 'The arsenic is produced in the stomach of the deceased.' The deceased used to take 'Vitamin C' everyday, which in itself is not a problem. The problem was that she ate a large portion of shrimp/prawn during dinner. Eating shrimp/prawn is not the problem that's why nothing happened to her family ever though they took the same shrimp/prawn. However at the same time the deceased also took 'vitamin C', that is where the problem is!

Researchers at the University of Chicago in the United States , found through experiments, food such as soft-shell shrimp/prawn contains a much higher concentration of - five potassium arsenic compounds.

Such fresh food by itself has no toxic effects on the human body! However, in taking 'vitamin C', due to the chemical reaction, the original non-toxic - five potassium arsenic (As anhydride, also known as arsenic oxide, the chemical formula for As205) changed to a three potassium toxic arsenic (ADB arsenic anhydride), also known as arsenic trioxide, a chemical formula (As203), which is commonly known as arsenic to the public!

Arsenic poisoning have magma role and can cause paralysis to the small blood vessels, "mercapto Jimei"??, inhibits the activity of the liver and fat necrosis change Hepatic Lobules Centre, heart, liver, kidney, intestine congestion, epithelial cell necrosis, telangiectasia. Therefore, a person who dies of arsenic poisoning will shows signs of bleeding from the ears, nose, mouth & eyes.
Therefore; as a precautionary measure,
DO NOT not take shrimp/prawn when taking 'vitamin C'.


Manager asked sardar at an interview. Can you spell a word that has more than 100 letters in it? Sardar replied: -P-O-S-T-B-O- X.

After returning back from a foreign trip, sardar asked his wife, Do I look like a foreigner? Wife: No! Why? Sardar: In London a lady asked me Are you a foreigner?

One tourist from U.. S.A. asked Sardar: Any great man born in this village??? Sardar: no sir, only small Babies!!!

Lecturer: write a note on Gandhi Jayanti So Sardar writes, "Gandhi ji was a great man, but I don't know who is Jayanti

When sardar was traveling with his wife in an auto, the driver adjusted the mirror. Sardar shouted, "You are trying to see my wife? Sit behind. I will drive.

Interviewer: just imagine you are on the 3rd floor, it caught fire and how will you escape? Sardar: its simple. I will stop my imagination! !!

Sardar: My mobile bill how much? Call centre girl: sir, just dial 123 to know current bill status Sardar: Stupid, not CURRENT BILL my MOBILE BILL.

Sardar: I think that girl is deaf.. Friend: How do u know? Sardar: I told her that I Love her, but she said her chappals are new

Friend: I got a brand new Ford IKON for my wife! Sardar: Wow!!! That's an unbelievable exchange offer!!!

Teacher: Which is the oldest animal in world? Sardar: ZEBRA Teacher: How? Sardar: Bcoz it is Black & White

Sardar attending an interview in Software Company. Manager: Do U know MS Office? Sardar: If U give me the address I will go there sir.

Sardar in airplane going 2 Bombay .. While its landing he shouted: " Bombay ... Bombay " Air hostess said: "B silent." Sardar: "Ok... Ombay. Ombay"
Teacher: "What is common between JESUS, KRISHNA , RAM, GANDHI and BUDHA?" Sardar: "All are born on government holidays...! !!

Sardar: Miss, Did u call my mobile? Teacher: Me? No, why? Sardar: Yesterday I saw in my mobile- 1 Miss Call". (Had never thought of it)


Kisah 3 orang cacat dengan malaikat

Suatu waktu Abu Hurairah r.a. berkata, beliau mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w. bercerita mengenai tiga orang cacat. Tiga Orang cacat dari kalangan Bani Israil seorang menderita penyakit kusta, seorang berkepala botak manakala seorang lagi buta.
Allah s.w.t. menguji ketiga-tiga mereka. Maka mula-mula diutus seorang malaikat berjumpa dengan yang berpenyakit kusta. Malaikat bertanya, "Apakah yang paling engkau sukai?"
Jawabnya, "Warna dan kulit yang bagus serta sembuh dari penyakit yang menyebabkan orang merasa jijik kepadaku."
Malaikatpun mengusap orang itu lalu sembuhlah dia dari penyakit yang dihidapinya selama im. Kemudian diberikan padanya warna kulit yang
bagus. Malaikat bertanya lagi, "Harta yang paling kamu sukai?" Jawab orang itu, "Unta." Lalu diberinya unta bunting yang hampir beranak. Malaikat mendoakannya, "Semoga Allah S.W.T. memberi berkat kepadamu dengan pemberian ini."
Selepas itu malaikat berjumpa dengan orang yang berkepala botak, katanya," Apa yang paling kamu sukai?" Jawabnya, "Rambut yang cantik dan hilangnya aib yang menyebabkan orang benci kepadaku."
Lalu, malaikatpun mengusap kepala orang itu dan tumbuhlah rambut yang cantik. Malaikat bertanya lagi. "Harta apa yang paling kamu sukai?" Orang itu menjawab, "Lembu." Maka diberinya lembu bunting sambil berkata, "Semoga Allah S.W.T. memberkatimu dengan pemberian ini."
Seterusnya malaikat bertemu pula dengan orang buta sambil bertanya, "Apakah yang paling kamu sukai?" Jawab orang itu, "Semoga Allah mengembalikan penglihatanku supaya aku dapat melihat orang ramai." Maka malaikat mengusap mata orang buta itu, lalu dia dapat melihat. Tanya malaikat lagi, "Harta apa yang paling kamu suka?" Orang itu menjawab, "Kambing." Lalu diberinya kambing serta anaknya.
Lalu berkembang biaklah ternakan-ternakan tersebut sehingga menjadi ladang . lembu, ladang unta serta ladang kambing. Setelah beberapa lama kemudian, malaikat mendatangi si penderita kusta dan berkata:
"Aku seorang miskin dan aku kehabisan bekalan dalam perjalananku yang masih jauh. Sekarang aku tidak dapat sampai ke tempat tujuanku melainkan dengan pertolongan Allah S.W.T. melalui bantuan yang tuan berikan. Oleh itu, aku minta kepadamu dengan nama Allah yang telah memberi kamu warna dan kulit yang bagus serta ternakan unta yang berkembang biak dengan banyaknya, sudikah kamu memberiku sedikit bekalan untuk meneruskan perjalananku ini.
Tetapi, orang itu menjawab dengan angkuh,"Aku banyak tanggungan."
"Aku seolah-olah masih ingat kepadamu. Bukankah kamu yang menderita penyakit kusta yang jijik dahulu."
Dulu kamu miskin, lalu diberi rezeki." Jawab orang itu, "Harta ini kuwarisi dari nenek moyangku yang kaya raya." Malaikat berkata, "Jika kamu berbohong maka Allah S.W.T. akan mengembalikan kamu kepada keadaan asalmu dahulu."
Kemudiannya malaikat bertemu pula dengan orang yang berkepala botak dan berkata kepadanya dengan perkataan yang sama ditanya kepada penderita penyakit kusta. Si kepala botak juga telah menolak permintaan malaikat dengan alasan yang sama diberikan pesakit kusta. Malaikat berkata, "Jika kamu bohong, maka Allah S.W.T. akan mengembalikan kamu kepada bentuk asal kamu.
Seterusnya malaikat menemui pula orang buta lalu berkata, "Aku kehabisan bekalan dalam perjalanan. Tidak ada yang dapat menolongku melainkan Allah S.W.T. melalui kamu. Oleh itu aku pohon padamu dengan nama Allah yang telah mengembalikan penglihatan kamu semoga kamu sudi memberi aku seekor kambing. Orang buta menjawab dengan penuh keinsafan dan rendah hati: "Dahulu aku buta, kemudian Allah S.W.T. mengembalikan penglihatanku dan memberi aku ternakan ini. Ambillah berapa banyak yang kamu hendak."
Kata orang buta itu lagi, "Demi Allah, aku redha jika kamu ingin mengambil semua hartaku ini kerana Allah.
Malaikat menjawab, "Tidak, jagalah harta kamu. Sesungguhnya aku hanya menguji kamu. Kamu sungguh diredhai Allah sedangkan kedua-dua sahabatmu dimurkai Allah S.W.T."

ps; masya- Allah indah sungguh cerita para para nabi dan malaikat.. nie salah satu cerita yang KL wear nak share ngan u all... seronok dapat tau kisah2 nabi,. kerana tiada dari nya yang palsu.... neway enjoys :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Pelajar Meninggal Dunia Akibat Keracunan Gas Pemanas Air

Iskandariah,17 Jan : Seorang pelajar akhawat, Nurul Iman binti Ab Alim telah disahkan meninggal dunia kira-kira jam 10.15 pagi tadi. Arwah yang berasal dari Kelantan pada mulanya ditemui berada dalam keadaan tidak sedarkan diri pada jam 9.15 pagi di dalam bilik air oleh 2 orang ikhwah yang mendapat panggilan kecemasan daripada ahli rumah beliau.

Anak ke 2 daripada 10 adik-beradik ini dipercayai telah masuk ke bilik air pada jam 8.00 pagi. Selepas lebih satu jam tidak keluar, ahli rumah mengesyaki sesuatu berlaku kerana tiada sahutan apabila pintu bilik air diketuk, dan kemudiannya mereka menghubungi ikhwah yang berada berdekatan. Ikhwah yang tiba ditempat kejadian lantas membawa mangsa ke Hospital Salamah apabila melihat mangsa dalam keadaan tidak sedarkan diri, dan mereka mengesyaki kemungkinan mangsa mengalami keracunan gas yang berpunca daripada kebocoran gas yang digunakan untuk memanaskan air selepas terbau gas semasa berada dalam bilik air tersebut.

Kira-kira jam 9.45 pagi, mereka tiba di Hospital Salamah dan membawa mangsa untuk dirawat di wad kecemasan. Pengarah MARA Timur Tengah, Ustaz Isahak Othman serta pegawai tiba di hospital kira-kira 5 minit kemudian selepas dihubungi oleh ikhwah terbabit. Jam 10.15pagi, doktor yang merawat mangsa telah mengesahkan mangsa meninggal dunia akibat keracunan gas (Carbon Monoxide Poisoning). Atase Pendidikan(Khas) JPMK Iskandariah, Ustazah Zakiah binti Zaidon tiba bersama Pengerusi PERUBATAN Cawangan Iskandariah, Abdul Rahim Suhaini kira-kira jam 11.15 pagi selepas mendapat makluman.Mereka kini sedang menguruskan proses untuk mengeluarkan jenazah daripada hospital.

Arwah merupakan pelajar tahun 3 jurusan perubatan yang kini sedang menghadapi peperiksaan akhir semester berbaki 7 kertas daripada 10 dimana kertas ke-4 akan diduduki pada esok hari. Sehingga saat berita ini ditulis jenazah masih berada di hospital dan menunggu urusan untuk dikeluarkan.

Semua warga PERUBATAN Iskandariah dijemput bersama-sama ke Asrama MARA selepas maghrib hari ini untuk Majlis Bacaan Yassin dan Tahlil (solat jenazah tidak dapat dijalankan lagi kerana jenazah masih ditahan untuk bedah siasat).

Al-fatihah untuk arwah,semoga rohnya ditempatkan bersama para solihin.
#Kemaskini 1 (8.30 malam 17/1/2011)
Majlis bacaan Yassin dan tahlil untuk arwah telah selamat diadadakan di Asrama MARA selepas solat maghrib tadi dengan kehadiran lebih dari 200 pelajar.
Jenazah masih berada di Hospital Salamah,menunggu untuk bedah siasat berkemungkinan besar esok pagi.Hal ini kerana pihak hospital tidak membuat bedah siasat pada waktu malam serta urusan untuk menuntut jenazah perlu terlebih mendapat pengesahan dari pihak Polis dan Mahkamah Mesir.
Jenazah akan dikebumikan di Kaherah,sama ada esok ataupun lusa bergantung kepada proses menuntut jenazah yang kini sedang diuruskan oleh pihak Kedutaan Malaysia.
Solat Jenazah akan diadakan di Asrama MARA selepas selesai urusan menuntut jenazah,waktunya akan diberitahu kelak.
Makluman untuk semua pelajar tahun 3 IUMP, berikutan kejadian yang berlaku, exam Pathology esok (18/1/2011) akan ditangguhkan daripada pukul 9pagi ke 12tengahhari.
Sebarang maklumat terkini akan dikemaskini dari semasa ke semasa – mediaPERUBATAN


Jenis jenis motor

Kalo kecik tolong klik sendiri yekk

Why women cry?

"A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman , " she told him.

"I don't understand , " he said. His Mom just hugged him and said , "And you never will."

Later the little boy asked his father ,"Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"

"All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.

The little boy grew up and became a man , still wondering why women cry...

Finally he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone , he asked , "God , why do women cry so easily?"

God said,

"When I made the woman she had to be special.

I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort.

I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.

I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up , and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.

I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances , even when her child has hurt her very badly.

I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.

I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife , but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.

And finally , I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed."

"You see my son , " said God , "the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears , the figure that she carries , or the way she combs her hair.

The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes , because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides."

Please send this to ten beautiful women you know today. If you do , something good will happen - You will boost another woman's self-esteem.
Pass it on to men too - perhaps they will then understand "why women cry..............

PS: KL wear sayang mama n my syg... love u guys :)

Pelajar 15 tahun Dibunuh Kejam

KOTA SAMARAHAN: Seorang pelajar yang dilaporkan hilang sejak Sabtu lalu ditemui mati dibunuh secara kejam dan mayatnya ditanam dalam lubang sedalam setengah meter di belakang sebuah rumah di Kampung Sadong Jaya di sini.

Ketua Polis Daerah Kota Samarahan, Deputi Supritendan Abdul Rahman Ahmad berkata, Taufik Abdul Rahim, 15, pelajar Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Semera mati akibat kecederaan parah di kepala dipercayai dibunuh sekumpulan lelaki yang terbabit dalam sindiket curi motosikal serta pecah rumah.

Beliau berkata, penemuan mayat mangsa yang berasal dari Kampung Iboi, Sadong Jaya pada jam 10 pagi ini susulan penahanan seorang remaja berusia 19 tahun di Kampung Sadong Jaya awal Isnin yang dipercayai turut terbabit dalam pembunuhan tersebut.

"Menerusi siasatan awal polis, suspek mengaku terbabit dalam kejadian tersebut dan turut mendedahkan lokasi mangsa ditanam kira-kira 10 pagi ini," katanya kepada pemberita ketika ditemui di tempat kejadian.

Beliau berkata, siasatan awal pasukan forensik di lokasi kejadian mendapati tanah di belakang rumah itu mempunyai kesan baru digali sebelum menemui mayat mangsa yang masih lengkap berpakaian serta berlumuran darah.

Polis, kata Abdul Rahman, juga menemui sebatang kayu yang dipercayai digunakan oleh kumpulan tersebut untuk membunuh mangsa tidak jauh dari lubang tempat mayat mangsa ditemui.

Beliau berkata, berdasarkan laporan awal siasatan, sekumpulan lelaki yang dipercayai daripada geng sindiket curi motosikal dan pecah rumah cuba memujuk mangsa untuk menyertai kumpulan terbabit memandangkan mangsa telah mengetahui kegiatan mereka, namun mangsa enggan.

Berikutan kejadian itu, Abdul Rahman berkata, polis kini turut memburu suspeklain yang dipercayai masih bebas dan terbabit dalam pembunuhan kejam itu.


People with 10 Most Extreme Body Parts

1. Cathie Jung: World's Smallest Waist --15 inches
Honestly, no Photoshop. Cathie Jung’s tiny waist measures just 15in (38cm), making her figure distinctly hourglass. The Queen of Corsets, as she has aptly named herself, has worn tight-fitting corsets for years to get there, and appears in the 2007 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records. Whilst she currently holds the record for the smallest waist on a living person, the record for the smallest waist ever goes to Ethel Granger who had a wasit of just 13"

2. Lui Hua: World's Largest Hand --his left thumb is 10.2 inches long
Chinese man Lui Hua suffers from a rare condition known as macrodactyly. When he was hospitalized in Shanghai on July 2007, his left thumb measured 10.2 inches and his index finger measured close to 12. On July 20 surgeons undertook a seven-hour operation to reduce the size of Liu's fingers and thumb. Doctors removed 11 pounds of flesh and bone in the procedure. A second surgery is scheduled to take place.

3. Annika Irmler: World's Longest Female Tongue --2.7 inches
German schoolgirl Annika Irmler has licked her way into the Guinness Book of Records with her whopping seven centimetre tongue. The twelve-year- old from Tangstedt, near Hamburg, can lick the ice cream from the bottom of a cornet - while her friends have to use their fingers.

4. Lee Redmond: World's Longest Fingernails --until she lost them on a car crash
Lee Redmond, a woman from Utah who has not cut her nails since 1979, had grown and carefully manicured them to reach a total length of 8.65 m (28 ft 4.5 in), and was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's longest fingernails. Sadly, on February, 2009, she lost them in a car crash.

5. Radhakant Baijpai: World's Longest Ear Hair --almost than 10 inches long
Indian grocer Radhakant Baijpai certainly has a goal in life: make sure that he has the longest ear hair in the world. Radhakant was crowned the official Guinness world record holder for the longest ear hair back in 2003, when his aural fronds were an already-impressive 13.2cm long. But that didn't stop him pursuing his goal of ever-longer hair on his ears. After several more years of carefully cultivating and caring for the ear-hair, Radhakant's tufts now stretch an astonishing 25cm. He is now waiting for Guinness adjudicators to confirm that he has set a new high, hairy bar for his chosen field.

6. Svetlana Pankratova: World's Longest Legs --more than 4 feet long
Russian woman Svetlana Pankratova has, according to Guinness World Records, the longest legs of any woman in the world. While she is not the world's tallest woman, her legs are 132 centimetres (4 ft 4 in) long. Because her upper body is of much more typical dimensions, she is 196 centimetres (6 ft 5 in) tall. She has also very large feet, size 13 (US) / 46 (EU), making shopping for shoes difficult. From 1992 to 1995, Pankratova played women's basketball in the USA, and on 2008 she appeared in Trafalgar Square in London on September 16, 2008 with He Pingping, the smallest man in the world, to promote the 2009 edition of the Guinness World Records.

7. Mehmet Ozyurek: World's Longest Nose --4.5 inches
Mehmet Ozyurek, born in Turkey in 1949, has been confirmed as having the world's longest nose. His nose measured 4.5 inches (8.8 cm) when it was last measured on July 06, 2007. He currently lives in Artvin, Turkey.

8. Devendra Harne and Pranamya Menaria: Most Fingers and Toes --25
Along with Pranamya Menaria, Devendra Harne shares the title of the person with the most Most Fingers and Toes, they are both indian and have 25 in total (12 fingers and 13 toes) as a result of the condition polydactylism.

9. Frank Ames: World’s Longest Eyebrow Hair --3.7 inches long
Frank Ames of Saranac in New York earned his place in the Guinness Book of World Records with a pair of bushy brows measuring 9.6cm. He decided to go for the title on 2003, only to discover it didn't exist. After calling officials, he set up and claimed the hairy new record. "I don't know why it grows like that, it just always has," he told reporters.

10. Vivian Wheeler: World's Longest Female Beard --11 inches
With the longest hair in her beard measuring 11 inches - 27.9 cm., Vivian Wheeler of Illinois is blessed with having the longest beard for a female. Her father insisted she start shaving at the age of 7, but since 1993 Vivian Wheeler has not, letting her beard grow.

Perbualan di antara God, Priest dan A Driver

A Priest dies of old age & is awaits his turn in line at the Heaven's Gates.
Ahead of him is a young guy, fashionably dressed, in dark sun glasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket & jeans, who drove himself into a tragic accident.

God asks him: Please tell me who are you, so that I may know whether to admit you into the kingdom of Heaven or not ?

The guy replies: I am Paandi, known as the fastest Auto driver from Chennai!
God consults his ledger, smiles & says to Paandi: Please take this silken robe & gold scarf & enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Now it is the priest's turn. He stands erect and speaks out in a booming voice: I am Pope's Assistant so so, Head Priest of the so so Church for the last 40 years.

God consults his ledger & says to the Priest: Please take this cotton robe & enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

'Just a minute,' says the agonized Priest. 'How is it that a foul mouthed, rash driving Auto Driver is given a Silken robe & a Golden scarf and me, a Priest, who's spent his whole life preaching your Name & goodness has to make do with a Cotton robe?!'

'Results my friend, results,' shrugs God.
'While you preached, people SLEPT; but when he drove his Auto, people really PRAYED'

It's PERFORMANCE & not POSITION that ultimately counts!!!!!

Email yg KL wear dpt berbaur Racism..bacalah!

Well done Oprah and British Airways .


1) I'm sure many of you watched the recent taping of the Oprah Winfrey Show.

Her guest was Tommy Hilfiger. On the show, she asked him if
the statements about race he was accused of saying were true.
Statements like'... 'If I'd known African-Americans, Hispanics, Jewish
and Asians would buy my clothes, I WOULD NOT have made them so nice. I wish these people would *NOT* buy my clothes, as they are made for upper class white people

His answer to Oprah was a simple ' YES' .

Whereafter she immediately asked him to leave her show

My suggestion? Don't buy your next shirt or perfume from Tommy Hilfiger.
Let's give him what he asked for. Let's not buy his clothes, let's put
Him in a financial state where he himself will not be able to afford the
ridiculous prices he puts on his clothes. BOYCOTT.

Then send it to the whole community that's not white people and see the result.
We have to see the result of unity.

Let's find out if Non-whites really play such a small part in
the world. Stop buying any range of their
(Tommy H etc) product, perfume, cosmetics,
clothes, bags, etc.,

2) Scene took place on a British Airways flight between Johannesburg and London .

A White woman, about 50 years old, was seated next to a black man.
Obviously disturbed by this, she called the air Hostess..
'Madam, what is the matter,' the hostess asked. '
You obviously do not see it then?' she responded. '
You placed me next to a black man.
I do not agree to sit next to someone from such a repugnant group.
Give me an alternative seat.'
'Be calm please,' the hostess replied.
'Almost all the places on this Flight is taken.

I will go to see if another place is available.' The Hostess went
away and t hen came back a few minutes later.. 'Madam, Just as I thought, there are no other available seats in the economy class. I spoke to the captain and he informed me that there is a seat in the business class.
All the same, we still have one place in the first class.' Before the woman
could say anything, the hostess continued: 'It is not Usual for our
company to permit someone from the economy class to sit in the first
class. However, given the circumstances, the captain feels that it would be scandalous to make someone sit next to someone so disgusting.' She
turned to the black guy, and said,
'Therefore, Sir, if you would like to,
please collect your hand luggage, a seat awaits you in first class.'

At that moment, the other passengers who were shocked by what they had just witnessed stood up and applauded.

Both the above are true stories. If You are against racism, please send this message to all your friends;
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